<span> A. Problem/solution
This paragraph starts by identifying the problem that NACA faced: they needed more computers. The solution is then described in detail. They ended up hiring women, and the paragraph goes on to show how and why the number of women and the racial diversity at NACA grew over the next ten years. </span>
This is all I found, change some stuff and do the rest of the paragraph!
men’s Equality Through Soccer
In most circumstances, sports are dominated by men. They play in the sports that are truly popular and gain attention in the media. This male dominated sports culture is largely due to the inequality women face in comparison to men. Women are often seen by stereotypes that portray them as gentle and fragile, while sports are seen as quite the opposite. However, in recent years a women's sports power has arisen. Women's soccer grew largely in the US after several Olympic and World Cup titles. This has given women a new place in sports culture, as well as pop-culture entirely, and has led to diversity in sports that has created a more level playing ground for women, at least in the United States. Unfortunately, the popularity of women’s soccer is not global, but the growth of it is a determinate factor in how women are viewed that has led to a chance for young girls to grow up in a world more accepting of their dreams and allow women more diverse respect.
When the United States women’s national soccer team first started playing a few decades ago, no one really believed that they would accomplish much. Most people were set on the idea that a woman’s place was definitely not out on a soccer field. However, these women were quick to prove their talent as they won Women’s World Cup titles and Olympic medals one after the other.
D. The beauty of the everyday and the importance of small rituals
Making a tee doesn't seem as much of a problem or a task that takes a big effort.
However, in this story, we see this old man passionately and carefully completing this everyday task. He carefully opens his teacups set, carefully calculates the amount of tea needed, peacefully waits for the water to boil, enjoys the smell of the tee and finally shares cup of tea with his wife enjoying in the time they spent together.
This process could've been done in a much faster pace, more hectically, doing something else simultaneously, and the result would've been the same - a cup of tea with his wife.
But, by showing us all these small rituals and careful preparation, this story conveys the importance of enjoying small, everyday things and helps us see the beauty in them.
The model millionaire – Oscar Wilde
The model millionaire is a short story written by Oscar Wilde in 1871. The theme of the short story deals with a very materialistic aspect of life in a mercantile world in which the protagonist Hughie Erskine is a complete misfit. Despite of the attractive appearance and charming personality, his lack of money prohibits him from marrying the girl he loves – Laura. Her father demands a total of £10.000 to prove his worth to him and accept him as a son in law. The demand is only of economical character, because of the fact that Hughie quick and easily achieved the acceptance of the father as a person. This issue defines the very essence of the short story, of which it becomes clear that "romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed." But is that so in the real, contemporary world? Is love only appropriate in the world of the privileged or is it achievable for anyone? This attitude is quite an old fashion way of thinking which is very appropriate of the time period in which the text is written and so the modern man would probably controvert the statement. A controversy claiming that love is a spirit with ability to posses anyone and so the modern expression “Love is for everyone” manifests itself.
A second theme in the short story is represented in terms of kindness. It is expressed to its fullest that being kind pays out in the end. Hughie shows his kind side when he generously offers the ‘beggar’ his last money (a sovereign), ignorant to that fact that he is actually a rich baron. This generous gesture turns out to be of huge importance as it forms the basis for the Baron to sponsor the money required. This emphasizes that even in a thoroughly materialistic world, tender qualities and human values are not to be dispensed. This detail comes to be quite important because it reminds the reader of the…...
Logos! logos stands for logic/reasoning