#1 is: su aconsejable para bañarse....which means....It is advisable to bathe.
#2 is. Hay que Utilice la loción del bronceado del sol....which means....You have to use sun tan lotion.
#3 is. no es bueno para secar el cabello....which is....its not good to blow dry your hair.
#4 is. no es bueno si tu cabello se cae....which is....its not good if your hair falls out.
D. No Manches! Is most likely the answer
C.) comparten/ compartes
I’m 100% sure that this is the correct answer because I take spanish 2
Spanish speaking country
food considered to be delicacies
tres lechas
explain how climate and geography how influence the cuisine
in Venezuela is typical of desert and arid coastal areas and with annual temperatures above 18 °c the cold semi arid type can be found at elevated portions of the Andes.
popular sports
following Venezuelan war of independence (part of Spanish American wars of independence) Venezuela initially won independence from the Spanish empire as part of Gran Colombia internal tension led to the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1830 -31 with Venezuela declaring independence in 1831
Venezuela is a developing country and ranks 133th on the human development index .it has the world largest known oil reserves and has been one of the world's leading exporters in oil
the country immense popularity of baseball in the country makes a rarity among it's south American
A is correct, the other ones don’t even make sense