D) the ratio of MPP to factor price will be the same for all factors
The ratio of marginal physical product (MPP) is calculated by dividing the change in total physical output by change in variable input.
In order to minimize costs, producers must combine factors so that the ratio of MPP to factor price will be the same for all factors. This way the amount of physical product produced with require the constant additions of factors of production, in other words, the marginal cost remains constant.
Particulars Amount
1. Revenue allocated to the equipment $330
for each bundled sales
{$990 * $280 / $280 + $560}
2. Revenue allocated to the service $660
for each bundled sales
{$990 * $560 / $280 + $560}
3. Sales revenue to be reported in income $660
Service revenue to be reported in $55
income statement
Answer: Straight Rebuy
Explanation: There are 3 major types of buying situations
1. New Task
2. Modify Rebuy
3. Straight Rebuy
Straight rebuy is a buying situation in which the buyer routinely reorders something without any modifications.
The main conflict that results between planning and control use of budgets is that managers might place their own personal interests before the interests of the company. This might result in budgets that are easily achievable (resulting in bonuses) or shifting income from one period to another in order to achieve certain budgets that will result in bonuses.
I will use a real life example that happened to me to explain this. I worked as a B2B sales representative for a large corporation (we were only 2 B2B salespeople + 1 manager) and when sales were slowing down, upper management would set up bonuses for achieving certain sales goals. The problem was that intentionally certain large sales that required management's approval were delayed and total sales would fall. Then suddenly the bonus show sup and all the large sales were approved and in two weeks the sales goals were achieved. Since B2B sales are not about selling to a lot of customers, but instead selling to the right customers a lot of products, a couple of delayed big sales made a huge difference and a 1% bonus meant changing your old car for a new one.
The optimal production plan gives a total costs of $417,672 for the periods Feb to May
In Feb we will have to hire 26 workers to close the gap between demand and production from our 100 existing workers
In March however, we will have to lay them off (26 workers) to keep our production in line with demand.
In April, we are constrained to 100 workers, thus requiring that we run overtime. The overtime requirement is between 3,060 hours to max of 5,000 hours. Note that inspire of the hours chosen, demand for April still won't be fulfilled.
The best option will be the one that gives us last backlog because of the costs of backorder being extremely costly.
5,000 overtime hours in April is the best option .
In May, we are constrained to our 100 workers, meaning we will fulfill our back orders and also retain inventory in hand of 7,760 units.
The 3 pages attached show how the cost is worked out and the presentation as well.