Answer: Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican in office. Under Lincoln's leadership and a Republican Congress, slavery was prohibited in the United States in 1865.
info from G o o g l e
Like other Muslims, the Shi´ites believe in the unity of God (Allah is the only God) and His divine guidance through God´s Messenger , the Prophet Muhammad. But they maintain that for the moral and spiritual leadership of the ummah (community of believers), Allah instructed the Prophet to appoint Imam Ali, a figure of authority (actually he was Muhammad´s cousin and son-in-law), to succeed him as leader of all Muslims. This tenet is not accepted by Sunni Muslims, the majority in Islam. Shi´ia is predominant in Iran and Iraq.
police brutatlity,inequality
Louisiana is positioned in both the northern and western hemispheres. Located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States of America - a part of North America - Louisiana is bordered by the states of Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas and the Gulf of Mexico.
Under the leadership of Russian communist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik Party seized power in the Russian Republic during a coup known as the October Revolution.