Answer :
The lines 27-44 from the short story "Night Calls" by Lisa Fugard describe the narrator's feelings about her father's response to her new talent.
Marlene had recently discovered her talent for imitating bird and animal calls. Due to this special gift, she had gained popularity and respect from everyone at her boarding school.
When Marlene relates this to her father and offers to mimic the sounds of birds and animals for him, he shakes his head slightly and replies "I've got the real thing right outside my window." Marlene seems to be hurt and slightly upset by his response. However, this is not new for her as she has never received any response or reaction from her father. She is pretty much used to this sort of behavior from him.
A non-Us citizen who has not been involved in a conflict with the United States and for those who have applied for US citizenship are eligible for land ownership under the Homestead Act. Approximately 10 percent of US total land mass is given away to the eligible applicants.
True statement it could happen but didn't
Saving the kids that were in the church during the fire