Stress hormones at the time of learning __<em>interferes</em>___ new memory formation; the presence of stress hormones at the time of recall _<em>impairs</em>____ retrieval of older memories.
When stressed, the human body produces some stress hormone. Some of these hormones can affect certain parts of the brain, interfering with the encoding of new memory, and inhibiting the recall of long term or older memories. An example of a stress hormone responsible for negatively affecting long-term, delayed recall memory is the cortisol, and the effect is usually felt at the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.
Native American populations declined rapidly due to a lack of immunity to disease
At that time, many Europeans who came to American continent carried out viruses that could cause diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and measles within their body.
When they "Encountered" The native Americans, these viruses passed on to the Natives and infected them.
Because the natives have lack of immunity to disease (they never experienced diseases like that in their life) , the effect to their body is much greater compared to the Europeans. This led to large amount of death among Native Americans.
This principle means people of federal territories should decide for themselves whether their territories would enter the Union as free or slave states.
individualist, collectivist
Individualist cultures emphasize the importance of the individual while collectivist cultures emphasize the importance of the group.
Here, talks about his own experiences and feelings hence Ted comes from a individualist culture.
Jad is looking forward to spending time with his family and friends in his home town here he is thinking about the himself as a part of the group and emphasizing how important his group is to him.