Answer: Salvia (Salvia officinalis), también llamada salvia común o salvia de jardín, hierba aromática de la familia de la menta (Lamiaceae) cultivada por sus hojas picantes. La salvia es originaria de la región mediterránea y se usa fresca o seca como saborizante en muchos alimentos, particularmente en rellenos para aves y cerdo y en salchichas.
La salvia se encuentra en su estado natural salvaje de España.
It want to let all know that humor has no place in Politics. You should know the Clayton lost 1990 Governor elections due to one humorous comment. That comment led to his defeat against his opponent Ann Richards beat him by just a hair. A moment before the comment, it was eminent that he will win, and later George W. Bush also showed interest in him being up for presidential elections. However, Clayton and the whole political world cannot forget the humorous joke that made him lose.
Clayton was a big businessman, and was a contender for Governor in 1990. He could have easily won but one humorous comment, made him lose the election. And that is what relates with media coverage.
Answer& explanation
A. Opinion polls are usually used to receive the public opinons by conducting a set of questions usually online.
B. Sampling In research refers to gathering a number of people, objects or items from a larger population , the sample must represent the poulation at large so that the discovered findings can be used to generalize for the whole population from which the sample was taken.
C. biases of polling are social desirability effect which refers to the fact that people or survey participants tends to choose those answers that they believe are social acceptable even if they may not be true and the bandwagon effect
Social desirability: this is when survey respondents in the opinion polls say something that is inaccurate because the truth may not be socially acceptable--such as lying about how many times they smoke cigarettes a day
bandwagon effect: refers to supporting someone not because you have logical reason to do so but because they seem to be ahead of everyone in the polls; it's like going with the winning team.