The allies purpose in invading Italy and France was to liberate conquered allies.
Failure to achieve air supremacy eventually led Hitler to indefinitely postpone Operation Sealion, the Nazi invasion of England, in favor of an attack on the USSR. The Blitz came to an end as Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe transferred to eastern Europe in preparation for Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the USSR.
(meow) <3
Respectable woman+avian creature=Cleaned Dishes and Laundry done
He said that civil rights was a moral issue.
A true-false statement is any sentence that is either true or false but not both. A negation of a statement has the opposite meaning of a truth value. A negations is written as ~p.
If we call the statement: cucumbers are green, p then:
p: cucumbers are green - this statement is true.
~p: cucumbers are not green - this statement is false.
If we join two statements we can form a compound statement or a conjunction. A conjunction could contain the two statements q and p:
p: cucumbers are green.
q: cucumbers are vegetables.
Conjunctions are noted:
This is read - p and q. Cucumbers are green and vegetables.
A conjunction is true only if both statements that form the conjunction is true.
If we have two statements that are joined by "or" we have a disjunction.
p: Bill is travelling to Mexican q: Bill is travelling to Canada
p or q gives us that Bill is travelling to Mexico or Bill is travelling to Canada.
Disjunctions are noted:
This is read - p or q.
A disjunction is true if at least one of the statements that form it is true.