The political leaders drafted and signed the declaration of the united nations. they decided that the defeat of the axis in europe was necessary, and the military chiefs discussed an invasion of north africa, completed arrangements for american forces to relieve british troops in iceland and northern ireland, made plans for american reinforcement in the south pacific and set up a combined allied command for south east asia.
The tactic used by unions where workers refuse to work until their demands are met is called a strike.
A large union might call a strike in order to leverage better working conditions for union members, like a teachers' strike or air traffic controllers' strike. Organizations might also call a general strike when many union and nonunion people might decide to forego work and other activities in support of a change or to protest an issue. One of the largest historical examples in the United States is the Pullman Strike, which took place in 1894. From May to July of that year some 250,000-factory workers walked off the job at the Pullman Palace Car Company in Chicago to protest long workdays and reduced wages. The American Railway Union joined forces with the strikers and refused to work on or run any trains that were transporting Pullman products.
One very negative consequence of increased feelings of nationalism after WWI was the rise of fascism or so-called national socialism in countries like Germany and Italy. These governments appealed to nationalism and blamed such groups as the Jewish people for their economic problems in the late 20's and early 30's and also believed they had the right to invade and control other countries.