I do not think actions like this can be justified. The internment of Japanese-American citizens was one of the biggest mistakes made by the federal government in the 20th century.
Executive Order 9066 called for the internment of Japanese-American citizens shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese empire. Even though this attack came from Japan, it is wrong to assume that all Japanese-American citizens supported the action. Roughly 2/3rd of the people who were put in internment camps were born in the United States and were citizens. Violating the rights of citizens who have done nothing wrong is never good to do.
A democratic government is supposed to protect individual liberties and rights, not violate them on purpose.
The industrial revolution in the beginning forsake any health concerns or common sense safety regulations that would today be considered as mandatory. It did this in the name of profit. It created very poor condition for the people who worked as regular workers during this time.
federal system has rules and laws in place while a dictatorship is rules by just 1 man
C. Gloria
"Wrapping Up a Little Bit of Trouble" is a story written by<em> W.M. Akers</em>. The story focuses on two characters: Gloria<em> (the narrator)</em> and Davis <em>(Gloria's brother). </em>It happened on December 20th of the year, which was near Christmas Day. Gloria and Davis were busy wrapping the presents for the entire family.
You will know that Gloria is the narrator once you read the<u> 7th paragraph.</u> This is when Davis wandered into her bedroom and called her,<em> "Hey, Gloria." </em>After a while, they conversed on what presents they got their mom and dad. Gloria got her dad an <em>old map </em>while Davis got his dad a gigantic umbrella<em> (as suggested by their mom). </em>Davis wanted to have more fun in wrapping it and thought<em> they could wrap an open umbrella to surprise their dad. </em>It was really troublesome for them to wrap it.
San Francisco is located at 37.77 ° and Wichita at 37.65 ° latitude, despite being very similar, however San Francisco rarely has winter minimums that are below freezing or summer maximums that exceed 32 ° C, on the other hand, Wichita is susceptible to freezing from the end of autumn to the beginning of spring and reaches 32.2 ° C at least 65 days of the year. These differences are due to the fact that San Francisco is influenced by the marine effect, while Wichita is influenced by the continental effect.