According to the Warrens, a student nurse was given the doll in 1970. They said that the doll behaved strangely, and that a psychic medium told the student that the doll was inhabited by the spirit of a deceased girl named "Annabelle"
ÙoÚ there
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 brought into the United States about 828,000 square miles of territory from France, thereby doubling the size of the young republic. What was known at the time as the Louisiana Territory stretched from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west and from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to the Canadian border in the north. Part or all of 15 states were eventually created from the land deal, which is considered one of the most important achievements of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.
Gestalt theory's main principle of perception is that the whole has a greater meaning than the sum of its parts and, therefore, we do not need to look at its individual parts to understand the whole
It was the golden age for African artisits, musicans, and writiers. It also set the stage for the civil rights movement so a b and c wouldn´t make sense as an answer