The answer is The increased opposition to war.
Nixon was not popular with his foreign policy of war to fight communists. During his term, people held numerous strikes that showed that the people were against its implementation. They don't want numerous soldiers to get involved and suffer. They also don't want people from foreign lands to lose their lives because of this.
Hernan Cortes is the explorer not correctly matched with his region. He did not explore western South America, but instead explored Mexico. He fought in Mexico and led the downfall of the Aztec Empire. For this, he received a high-ranking medal and this helped him move up as a noble of a better level in the social ranking. He also used the tactics of being friends with some indigenous groups versus others. He brought large parts of Mexico under the Spanish Castille rule.
There are three natural rights that were stated in the declaratio of Indepencence.
Locke said that the most important natural rights are "Life, Liberty, and Property". In the United States Declaration of Independence, the natural rights mentioned are "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".
You can choose which one you want to use!
The third estate was made up of middle and lower class of the French population, making 98% of the total population. The other two estates were the Clergy (religious institutions) and the Nobility, the first and second estates respectively. Each group met and were able to vote and discuss the direction of the country. After the Seven Years War, the French economy was decimated and the third estate suffered reparations as the other two estates did not have to pay taxes and were granted certain privileges. Because of the two estates not being tasked with any burdens, the third estate was constantly outvoted and out-voiced by the other two, and this caused a strong desire for a political change from the current circumstances that made it difficult for the third estate to thrive and live.
President Jackson felt very strongly about Indian Removal (The Trail of Tears) and he would probably say something along the lines of American territories no longer belonging to the Natives and that they should be relocated to the West.