The identified part represents an open string!:)
Aldous Huxley, who wrote many novels such as "Brave New World", but was also a literary critic, the act of seeing involves perceiving, sensing, and selecting, but not projecting, because that doesn't really have anything to do with sight
Among these creative pioneers was the artist known as Masaccio (1401-1428) who, along with his contemporaries, paved the way for later Renaissance art. His use of linear perspective and the vanishing point, as well as his acute attention to realism, made him the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance.
- Eijiro <3
This is a famous mosque in Cordoba. Its artistic elements include the festive, alternating paint on the columns.
The arts of the nok are numerous as their deities, and many objects are placed on shrines to honor the gods and the ancestors. Beautiful sculpture abounds in wood and brass plus the occasional terracotta.