<u>Conflicts, Tone, Word Choice, and Characters responses.</u>
Fracking shouldn't be allowed to continue. There are many reasons for this and here are some of them:
It has a bigger carbon footprint than Coal.
Drilling into the land causes earthquakes which are a huge safety concern for anyone living near the drilling sites.
People and the environment would suffer from the emissions and the undisclosed chemicals that are leaked back into the potential drinking water and this could harm us and the animals.
This process extracts natural gas from shale and lets out natural gas.
It is ruinous towards economy since road maintenance would cost a lot.
"The Giver" is rife with themes about humanity, God, free will, humanity, ... life never reaches the utopian ideal except in dreams, books and movies. ... that we rediscover our humanity and make better, free choices. ... we have made and are about to make, and consider the consequences.
He grabbed his stuff and hit the road