That would be Mr.Ulysses S Grant and the year was 1869 may 10th to be exact
Hope I was of service to you today :)
1992. Length. 288 pages. Annotation. Advocates for and against gun control in the United States argue the issues under the general topics of the relationship between guns and crime, the constitutionality of gun control, guns and self-defense, measures to reduce gun violence, and how other nations deal with gun violence and gun control. Abstract.
According to legends, Nebuchadnezzar II built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to please his Queen, Amytis when she missed seeing the green hills and sceneries of her native land. The hanging gardens was one of the named seven wonders of the ancient world long ago. Answer is B.
Answer: (A.) The prime rate decreases.
Just did it <3
Answer: Women were more insulated from job loss because they were employed in more stable industries like domestic service, teaching and clerical work.