The correct option is: "The weapon’s power should be demonstrated to Japanese officials prior to its use."
Two types of atomic bombs were developed simultaneously during the Second World War: a relatively simple ballistic-type fission weapon and a more complex implosion nuclear weapon. The fission design of the Thin Man pump proved impractical for use with plutonium, so a simpler weapon called Little Boy was developed using uranium-235, an isotope that constitutes only 0.7% of the uranium in natural state. Project workers had difficulty separating this isotope from uranium-238 because of its chemical and mass similarities. Three methods were used for the enrichment of uranium: by the use of calutrons, by gas diffusion and by thermophoresis. Most of these jobs were carried out at the Clinton Engineer Works in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Answer:The first concentration camp in the Nazi system, Dachau, opened in March, 1933. By the end of World War II, the Nazis administered a massive system of more than 40,000 camps that stretched across Europe from the French-Spanish border into the conquered Soviet territories, and as far south as Greece and North Africa. The largest number of prisoners were Jews, but individuals were arrested and imprisoned for a variety of reasons, including ethnicity and political affiliation. Prisoners were subjected to unimaginable terrors from the moment they arrived in the camps; it was a dehumanizing existence that involved a struggle for survival against a system designed to annihilate them.
Within the camps, the Nazis established a hierarchical identification system and prisoners were organized based on nationality and grounds for incarceration. Prisoners with a higher social status within the camp were often rewarded with more desirable work assignments such as administrative positions indoors. Some, such as the kapos (work supervisors) or camp elders held the power of life and death over other prisoners. Those lower on the social ladder had more physically demanding tasks such as factory work, mining, and construction, and suffered a much higher mortality rate from the combined effects of physical exhaustion, meager rations, and extremely harsh treatment from guards and some kapos. Prisoners also staffed infirmaries, kitchens, and served various other functions within the camp. Living conditions were harsh and extreme but varied greatly from camp to camp and also changed over time.
Explanation: dont need one
At state level should be endorsing legislation or a new law like no guns
Answer: number 4 is telegramph, number 6 is enterprise, 5 is factory, 1 is canal 2 is water and 3 is steam engine
The following D. Mostly women is the answer, because it is not a characteristic of owners and managers.