When it comes to freshwater wetlands, hydrology plays a large role in
nutrient stoichiometry and sensitivity to nutrient inputs. Although
wetland biogeochemists intuitively understand these important
relationships between landscape position, hydrology, and sensitivity to
nutrient inputs, these relationships have never been quantified using
geospatial data. The objective of this project will be to evaluate and
quantify the linkages between watershed catchment characteristics and
freshwater wetland nutrient sensitivity ur welcome
Scalar and Vector quantities are Distance and Displacement respectively.
Scalar Quantity is any quantity which has only magnitude but no direction.
It is as follows:
- Distance
- Speed
- Time
- Energy
- Density
- Volume
- Temperature
- Distance
- Work
- Mass
- Frequency
- Direct current
- Entropy
- Refractive index
- Charge
- Electric potential
- Luminous intensity
- Amount of substance
- Pressure
- Power
Vector Quantity is any quantity which has magnitude as well as direction.
It is as follows:
- Displacement
- Force
- Acceleration
- Weight
- Angular Momentum
- Light velocity
- Current
- Gravitational field
- Electric field
- Linear momentum
- Torque
- Polarization
- Centripetal force
- Tension
- Thrust
- Angle
- Drag force
- Impulse
- Alternating current
- Frictional force
Learn more about Scalar Quantity here, brainly.com/question/774036
Probability is a method for determining the likelihood of something uncertain occurring. If you flip a coin, you do not know whether it will be heads or tails, but probability can tell you that there is a 1/2 chance of either happening. Probability is a method used to predict the likelihoods of uncertain outcomes. It is important for the field of genetics because it is used to reveal traits that are hidden in the genome by dominant alleles. Probability allows scientists and doctors to calculate the chance that offspring will inherit certain traits, including some genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease.
they are made to work together and there ae different types
there just made like that