The Russian Civil War is a bloody, 6 long year conflict resulting in 7 to 12 milions total casualties. In contrast, WW1 costed about 40 millions lives worldwide. Which means the Russian Civil War has 1/4 of the casualties of WW1, one of the deadliest in history.
Medicare is a federal program providing medical care for the elderly which is established by a health insurance bill in 1965, as part of President lyndon johnson great society in which the medicare program made an important step for social welfare legislation and be of assistance found the growing population of the elderly as a pressure group. The mandatory spending are those misuse items in a budget that must be to be paid. In the federal budget, the widely held of spending items are obligatory and consist of social security, medicare, medicaid, payment on the national debt, and definite constituents of defense expenditure.
the success under the articles of confederation was widely spread depending on what the situation was
do you mean peroygjostion
The European Union can be regarded as political and economic union which consists of 27 member states , and the base is situated primarily in Europe
It serve as trade agreement which unites all European countries having single trading goal. Credits: ayfat23