It was "Vladimir the Great" who ordered Russians to convert to Orthodox Christianity, since he was very much impressed by the Orthodox churches in Constantinople.
He related his story from Calypso's island until Nausicaa's help earlier that day, but failed to mention his name or the name of his kingdom.
"Alone with Alcinous and Odysseus, Arete recognizes Odysseus' clothing as her own creation and asks him who he is and who gave him his clothing. He relates his story from Calypso's island until Nausicaa's help earlier that day. Alcinous says Nausicaa should have taken him home with her directly, but Odysseus says it was his idea to follow her separately. Taken with Odysseus, Alcinous vows to help him get home".
John Adams
Inspired by Hamilton, Adams issued in 1798, on the basis of a congressional decision, the reactionary Aliens Act, based on which the president was given the right to expel any unwanted foreigner from the United States. Another one, Sedition Act, gave the president the right to punish with a fine for opposing government orders or putting in print information or articles criticizing government. These laws met with the sympathy and approval of Washington.
The Republicans vigorously resisted Adams' actions, accusing him of establishing new tyranny and urging the masses to defend the first paragraph of constitutional amendments, prohibiting Congress from introducing any legislative acts aimed at restricting freedom of speech and press. The states of Connecticut and Virginia responded with threats to secede from the Union and sharply condemned restrictions on freedom of speech and press.
4) the Bill of Rights included specific rights for people.
Though the Constitution stated natural rights would be protected and there were limitations on the government, nothing was stated specifically. Those supporting the Bill of Rights were fearful that without specifically stated rights, the government would eventually strip people of their rights.
The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments is the Constitution and were passed after the Constitution was passed. The amendments spell out specific rights citizens have and the government is required to protect.
It allowed Missouri to be a slave state.