As the Fairy King, King's lifespan is relatively longer than any of the other races. The reason King and Elaine's wings haven't come out yet because they are considered late bloomers. The technique Bumblebee connects with the color of King's sacred treasure which is the color of bees.
The Qin adopted the legalism in warfare (against the other states). They crushed one state after the other. This phylosophy worked for them in war so they decided to continue with its principles in peace time. The Qin Dinasty reflected Legalist principles by enacting laws. It was a way to control the population of China and there were severe penalties for breaking the laws, including fines and conscription in the army.
1851: Congress creates reservations to manage Native peoples. The U.S. Congress passes the Indian Appropriations Act, creating the reservation system. The government forces Native peoples to move to and live on reservations, where it can better subdue them.
As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. Furthermore, California entered the Union as a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah....
the American colonists were angered by the presence of British soldiers who had found deployment in America. This led to the Boston Massacre, which tightened the tension between the colonists and Britain even more