Inform because they want the peple to know what can be helpful for them
Here ya go! Hope this helps! Please spell check; mine is being buggy today.
Scruntiny: Watson was used to Sherlock's scruntiny about mysteries.
Inconsequential: Not important or significant. Sentence: The spilled milk seems inconsequential when compared to the murder.
Illuminated: Lit with bright lights. Sentence: During christmas our town is illuminated with decorative lights.
Coveted: Greatly desired or envied. Sentence: The royal robe was a coveted item at the gallery.
His mother speaks spanish
He made Charlie compete with a mouse named Algernon to solve a maze.
On the fourth day of the experiment, Burt who was among those administering intelligence quotient tests on Charlie made him compete with a mouse named Algernon to solve a maze puzzle which is quite complicated.
Prior to this time, the mouse had already undergone the Strauss and Nemur's experimental surgeries. The mouse passed the maze test, compared to Charlie who failed at his.
Ed is the only suffix i think