In science, accepted theories do not represent absolute truths. A scientific theory is accepted when there is much evidence available that support its statements, but new lines of evidence can modify original presumptions
A scientific theory is a plausible explanation of a particular phenomenon of the natural world, which has been many times tested and verified by using the scientific method. The accepted theories are progressively modified (or even overturned) as new lines of evidence emerge. In consequence, a scientific theory is composed of statements that we consider as truths regarding the available evidence, but we have no absolute certainty that such statements are true. The ability to self-correct is fundamental in science and it happens when we discover that the original statements of a scientific theory were wrong, thereby new lines of evidence allow us to correct the error and/or develop new scientific theories.
CGTATC - DNA complementary strand- GCATG
CTTTCAAG- DNA complementary strand-GAAAGTTG
GAGACTTAC-DNA complementary strand-CTCTGAATG
Remember that the complementary sequence will be based on base pairing for DNA, so the A will pair with T, C with G
HIV directly attacks CD4 helper lymphocytes directly. (D)
Answer:A radical (often, but unnecessarily called a free radical) is an atom or group of atoms that have one or more unpaired electrons. ... A prominent feature of radicals is that they have extremely high chemical reactivity, which explains not only their normal biological activities, but how they inflict damage on cells.