we need to know the story to answer lolll
The state of being foolish. (countable) A thing or event that is foolish, or an absurdity.
Romantic period gave rise to some of the incredible works from some of the most renowned writers and poets. For me, it's 'I Wandererd Lonely as a Cloud' by William Wordsworth
Romanticism was an art and literary movement which took place at the end of 18th century. Poems of some most renowned poets written durning the romantic period are still quite famous. One of my favorite and the most famous romantic poem is 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' written by the most famous William Wordsworth.
In this poem, the poet brings to its readers a beautiful description of flowers while he was wandering lonely. The poem revolves around the major theme of the 'beauty of nature' and its power to change a person's sadness into happiness. The poet who was lonely, no more feels lonely mainly because he discovers the dancing and fluttering daffodils which brighten up his mood.
The pair of words that shares the same word root are inspect and spectacles.
Their root word, or the most basic part of the word, which remains when all prefixes and suffixes are removed, is the root word spect. This root word comes from the Latin word <em>spectare, </em>which means <em>to see. </em>This root word is common to these two words because both of them have to do with seeing things.