<u>Canning </u>or<u> freezing</u> keeps food from spoiling.
I've underlined the subject and written the predicate in bold letters.
The subject is the part of the sentence that tells us who or what is performing an action expressed by the verb. It can also tell us who or what is being described by the predicate.
The predicate tells us what the subject is doing or describes the subject.
Here, the subject are the words <em>canning</em> and<em> freezing</em>. This is a compound subject - a subject that consists of two or more simple subjects that share a verb or verb phrase. The verb these words share is <em>keeps</em>. This verb is a part of the complete predicate: <em>keeps food from spoiling.</em>
To confirm this, we can ask:
- for the subject - <em>What keeps food from spoiling? </em><em>Canning or freezing.</em>
- for the predicate - <em>What does canning or freezing do? It </em><em>keeps</em><em> </em><em>food from spoiling.</em>
what? you would get honked at by incoming cars by the way.
I don't know what the example is, but taciturnity means quietness. So the answer is D.