Stop! Stop and put that cigarette down! One blow of the smoke can contain more 4,000 harmful chemicals. Smoking can cause cancer, more than 400,000 people died because of smoking and having cancer in the United Staes. When you blow these 4,000 harmful chemicals, they go into your body and take over and your body wouldn't be the same as before like it won't function normally. Tobacco has three substances that are harmful to your body. One of the substance is Nicotine, Nicotine is a tar that is thick and dark, it kinda looks like when your burning coals. It has this dark liquid around the tobacco after when the cigarette is burned. This liquid coat can be harmful to your lungs and can cause diseases. Nicotine is an addictive drug that makes you want more of its Nicotine. Another substance would be Carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide is poisonous gas when you light up your cigarette, also Carbon monoxide doesn't have a smell or a color. Whatever you smoke on, from cigarettes to pipe, it still has this harmful effect toward your body. Tabacco damages alveoli, elastic, fragile, microspofic air sacs in you lungs where the carbon dioxide is exchanged. When you smoke cigarettes (whatever it is that you smoke with), you are highly likely to get gum disease and cancer. Smoking makes you taste bud dull, like you can't taste food, and which can cause stomach ulcer. Stomach ulcer is when the stomach acid damage your digestive tract (like the lining part). Tobacco is linked to cancer of your mouth to your throat to your esophagus to your stomach and to your pancrease, and that is also linked to heart disease. Tobacco can let the flow of oxygen into your brain less than usually, which having having less oxygen in your brain can lead to stroke. Smokers have a high chance of developing bladder cancer than nonsmokers and bladder cancer is a cancer that start off to your bladder. Even smokeless tobacco can put you in risk of bladder cancer. Even if you don't smoke, well good for you, but be careful dont breath in the smoke that smokers have smoke because you still have a chance to develop cancer and other diseases. If you want to avoid the smoke from the smoker, then just hold your breath before and do not smell of breath in the smoke! Also just walk away quickly or run if you like but still hold your breath! So you heard all the scary, and negative things about smoking and if your wondering, well where's the good thing about smoking? . . . THERE IS NO GOOD THING ABOUT SMOKING!!! So please do not put youself in risk and smoke and if you do smoke you should stop SMOKING!!! :)
Marie Tharp helped transform our understanding of the world during an era when women were first banned, then largely ignored, in the sciences.
Cultural context is simply the situation or practice that is related to value and belief system of a place.
Therefore, the best description of the cultural context of the reading is option A because Marie Tharp helped change the way women were viewed and treated by the sciences and also transform the understanding of the world.
This question is a very open one and i'm not sure what exactly you need to know but you'll need to do a lot of planning. Generally you need to develop an idea of the setting, plot line, characters and the overall meaning or topic of the story. It really helps if you know how you want the story to end so you can create plot twists and use foreshadowing to hint at future events. Most importantly you need creativity and inspiration, write something you think you would read if you were looking for something to enjoy.
Equiano found the terrible stench the most repellent
about the conditions below-decks.
To add, Olaudah Equiano<span>, <span>known in his lifetime as Gustavus Vassa was a
prominent African in London, a freed slave who supported the British movement
to end the slave trade.
"</span></span><span>...the filth of the necessary tubs, into which the children often fell, and were almost suffocated."</span>