Complementary colors are pairs of colors which, when combined or mixed, cancel each other out by producing a grayscale color like white or black. When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast for those two colors. Complementary colors may also be called "opposite colors".
i cannot help with the powerpoint because i have not seen it but i hope you can figure it out based on my explanation. there are many videos and articles on he internet you can use as reference if you need further assistance
Answer:paintings of a man and who are not in a black mood for the most likely cause
Explanation: the question of what is it a good thing for me lol I just got a call back to say hello and I’m not sure why I don’t want you in your class I just didn’t know if I did that to
To determine the best scientific way to repair and protect artworks.
A silent voice
Very great anime movie that covers sensitive topics accurately. It also pulls heartstrings and a very accurate (although painful) reality.
Harlem was one place that jazz was made. It is the first places that built clubs that allowed jazz music to be played.