The bank wants to give you an incentive to pay back the loan. If they did not hold your assets as collateral, you could simply fail to pay back the loan and really not lose anything other than your credit score. Many borrowers already have tarnished credit scores, so that is rarely enough incentive to base a loan on.
I would put this into your own words considering I copied and pasted it. Other than that I hope this helps!
<u><em>Both Japan and West Germany adopted a democratic government. </em></u>
Correct me if I am wrong but I believe it was by building up their military forces, they increased industrial production and lowered unemployment. It was only a temporary success.
<span>A) It seemed unfair that debts should be paid to the estates of people who had died during the war effort.
The role of a citizen in Mexico is the changing of political parties.
Hope this helps!