Desegregation in school
The flag change of 1956 occured in Georgia, and Massive resistance was a plan directed by U.S. Senator Harry F. Byrd Sr. of Virginia and his brother-in-law who was a leader in the Virginia General Assembly whose name was James M. Thomson of Alexandria with the aim of bringing together in Accord the leaders and the white politicians in Virginia inorder to bring about the formulation of a new state law and policies to curb the Desegregation of public schools.
The “massive resistance” agenda occur because the people believe it is a way of going against desegregation.
d. Pro communist protests at Tiananmen Square
Among the options, event D was the least shocking for the end of the cold war as the Chinese government had distanced itself from the Soviet Union. In this social march, Chinese students sued for greater political openness and economic reforms. But the result was tragic, as between 300 and 3,000 people were repressed and killed under fire from army tanks that joined together to vacate Tiananmen Square.
C. Between Mars and Jupiter