A dinosaur egg is a fossil. So is petrified wood.
'So' is a conjunction that depicts comparison between subjects in a sentence in this case. The use of 'so' in this sentence is incorrect because when comparing two subjects, which in this case are dinosaur egg and petrified wood, they should be in one sentence idea. When using the punctuation mark period '.' it ends the idea of the sentence in the first sentence given.
I think you need to pick a different book....
Which entry is it?
I read the book, but you will have to tell me which part of it shows how her parent's judge her.
The proper way to punctuate the use of a conjunctive adverb (however) when connecting two independent clauses is as shown in "J."
The only other way is to use a period (instead of a semicolon) and use a capital "H"" for however.
.... frighten me. However, ...