Negative correlation
The correlation coefficient was used to show the relationship between two variables. A correlation could be negative, positive and zero correlation. A negative correlation and positive correlation both show the same relation between two variables but there is a difference that separates them.
Correlation coefficient range from -1 to +1. When correlation stands -1, indicates that the relationship between variables is negative. If the correlation stands between +1 then the relationship between two variables is +1 If the correlation is neutral it indicates that correlation is zero.
Thus here Ned feels stressed out because of workload also experience insomnia with weight loss is called a negative correlation.
Is it to like establish justices, insure domestic tranquilly, provide for common defense, to promote general welfare, to secure the blessings of liberty.
Is expressed in the constitution.
If you change to base 10, it should be 113, if you change to base 8, it should be 161
The drawback was when they came out with the cotten gin