So it's saying to the world you're one person but to friend u may be the world
So it's saying when someone meet you they might think you have one personality but when your friend see you they see like the world because you have soo many personality
.... god bless you and your family
dont mind me stay safe during covied
Here is a "paragraph" about what bullying/cyberbullying is to me:
The dictionary says bullying/cyberbullying is "insulting with threats; imperious; overbearing; blustering: as, a bullying manner." but it's not really. Bullying/cyberbullying is in my opinion, a way that someone gains "power" from making other people feel unneeded, unwanted, useless, powerless, and useable to bully again. Bullying/cyberbullying is an outlet for people who don't exactly have their perfect life and make themselves happier.
You mean the movie? I don't know about the move, but if you wan't to know about connotation, it is like an implied meaning of a sentence. For example, the sentence " Wow, Angie is such a know it all" . Connotation the implied meaning. It is not the dictionary definition. The meaning of know it all is someone who is smart, but If you say that about someone, you might hurt their feelings. Do you get it?