In order to find a fraction, We know that a percentage is out of a 100. This means we can now place our fraction as:
In order to find the actual fraction, we will want to simplify. Lets find our least common factor and work down from there. Since we know that 2 can go into both of them, lets reduce by 2.
This means our fraction will now look like:
Since 19 is a prime number and cannot be divided by anything but 1 and itself, we know that this is our simplified form.
This means:
19/50 is the fraction equivalent to 38%.
1. 9
2. 9
3. 101
Step-by-step explanation:
hope it helps:)
B = 3h . . . . . . . .given by the problem statement
A = (1/2)bh . . . . formula for the area of a triangle
486 cm² = (1/2)*(3h)*h . . . substitute given information
(2/3)*486 cm² = h² . . . . . .multiply by 2/3
√324 cm = h . . . . . . . . . . . . . .take the square root
The height is 18 cm.
The base is 3*18 = 54 cm.
Step-by-step explanation: