it’s somehow re-jiggered its
taste system so that the attractant that humans used to draw the insect to
poison bait—the sugar glucose—now tastes bitter to the roach, and they avoid it.
cockroaches began appearing that avoided the baits, and did so not because they
were averse to the poison, but because they were averse to the attractant, glucose. This new
trait turned out to be heritable, that is, it had a genetic basis.
LPG gas is basically propane and butane, and it is odourless in its natural state. The smell that you notice when there is a leak is actually the stench of an entirely different agent, called Ethyl Mercaptan (C2H6S). This substance is added to the gas when it leaves the main storage terminals.
The answer is rain percolates through the pavement into the ground below, causing cracks in the pavemen
Food webs and food chains.
A food web describes the flow of energy and nutrients through an ecosystem, while a food chain is a linear path through a food web