El calendario solar azteca es un ciclo de 52 años que se divide en cuatro trecenas de años, cada uno diferenciado de los otros mediante la asignación cíclica de uno de los jeroglíficos Técpatl (pedernal), Calli (casa), Tochtli (conejo) o Ácatl (carrizo) y uno de los dígitos del 1 al 13 (representados con puntos).
b) the enslaved population increased rapidly
None of the above. The correct answerr should be Cuba.
This was the cause of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Hawaii had a Queen.
It should be understood that the nominal GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced in a given time period, usually quarterly or annually with inflation, while that of Real GDP is the inflation-corrected value of goods.
This means that the inflation during year B is higher than that of year A and that's why the nominal GDP of year B is a bit lower than that of year A.