plains are those area where land surface is plain.Due to that development happens fast and it becomes populated.
1:A, as the primary sector is for the extraction of raw materials and logging includes the extraction of the raw material of wood.
2:C, as the Tertiary sector is in charge of service, downloading music is a service.
3:Shanna would be in the secondary sector as the secondary sector is in charge of manufacturing goods, vehicles, ect
1. We know the earth is getting warmer because temperatures have risen all around the globe. Also, the Arctic is melting.
2. The Earth temperature changes because of green house gases and harmful gases being sent into the atmosphere.
3. The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat.
4. Factories.
5. It could cause more flooding and a rise of warmer temperatures.
6. Permafrost is ground that continuously below 0 degrees Celsius for two or more years.
Hope this helps!
Changes in the pressure create the flow of the air to move up and down in the ear and thus create popping sound.
- The ear-popping is caused by the phenomenon of the opening of the Eustachian tube when one swallows and it might be automatically when you blow our nose or are setting in an airplane and this sound is created when the air enters the middle ear through the tube.
The cause was the command type of economy and the result was famine and millions of deaths.
The communist governments in East Asia, like all communist countries, had command economies. This meant that everything in the economy is planned and regulated by the government. This was also the case with agriculture, where government officials were making a plan on how much and what should be produced. The plans were often made in the manner that it should be produced as much as society needs.
Because agriculture is heavily dependent on weather conditions, as well as the impact of pests, even the slightest disturbance meant that there won't be enough food, and if it was a bigger disturbance then a big portion of the population would have experienced a famine. This has happened on numerous occasions, with the small amount of food being forcefully transported to the cities, while the rural population that produced it was left without anything for eating. The end result has been tens of millions of deaths because of starvation, based on terrible politics.