Meaning the music and liturgy was born in the church.
In April 1779, Spain signed the Treaty of Aranjuez with France. France agreed to help in the capture of Gibraltar, Menorca and Florida, and in return, Spain would aid France in the war with Britain.
To cope with the city's problems, government officials had a limit on resources and personnel. Democracy did not flourish in this environment. To bring order out of the chaos of the nation's cities, many political bosses emerged who did not shrink from corrupt deals if they could increase their power bases. The people and institutions the bosses controlled were called the Political Machine.
Spain rose to a position of power in the sixteenth century due to the consolidation of the two largest Spanish kingdoms, Aragon and Castile, in 1492, along with the conquest of Granada that same year. For it's overseas colonization.
The empire was instrumental in spreading Christianity across the Atlantic. It also brought enormous wealth to Spain after rich silver and gold mines were discovered after the 1530s. Spain's European expansion began long before this wealth became available.
With the accession of the Hapsburg Charles (Carlos) to the Spanish throne, Spain gained control of vast areas of central and northern Europe (Austria, the Netherlands, Burgundy and chunks of Germany).
To know more about Spain's overseas colonization here
The judicial branch could use the constitution as evidence to not allow the law to pass,and congress could veto it