D because we want the code to say day is equal to tuesday or day is equal to thursday and age is less than or equal to 10
Chocolate but it can also be grapes and raisins but i would go for the chocolate
People develop their political values, beliefs, and orientations through interactions with agents of socialization. ... They can influence people's attitudes about political actors and institutions. Know thinks about it in your own life. Hope this helps
Friedman and Johnson (1997) show that for a wide range of dynamic optimization problems, supermodularity is both necessary and sufficient for monotone static results. In the present context, this implies that our supermodular model requires the minimum set of assumptions to obtain monotonicity in the optimal decision variables.
The evidence presented here needs to be supplemented with information about inter- and intrafamily income transfers. This issue was addressed in a follow-up survey, but analysis of the results is not yet complete.
I believe headaches or stomach cramps if the medicine does not cooperate with your body.