C. reforms adopted during the Golden Age of Pericles
Democracy in Athens was started largely thanks to the philosopher and politician Pericles. Democracy in Athens was a direct democracy. In a direct democracy the people decide on the policy initiatives directly. The major decisions of the state were made by general assemblies in which all citizens could participate.
An example can be the Missouri Compromise. According to it, a line was made and it was decided which countries could have slaves and which not. Now, it was considered to be a relatively good compromise because it helped the Union stay together, but watching it from the modern times it was most certainly not a good compromise because any compromise that establishes slavery anywhere is definitely not a good one.
Tundra, it is far too hot for any tundraic conditions
Sep 30, 2019 — The Louisiana Purchase stretched from the Mississippi River to the ... the defining themes of 19th-century American history, but it is not just the ... in the United States, the western frontier offered the possibility of independence and upward mobility for all. ... Westward Expansion and the Compromise of 1850.