In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the witches show Macbeth an apparition which tells him that he will not be defeated until Birnam Wood marches to Dunsinane. Macbeth, upon hearing this, feels relieved as he understands that it is impossible for the trees in the woods to march from one place to another. However, when Macduff and his army are coming to Dunsinane to fight Macbeth, they cut off branches from trees to hide behind them as they march towards Macbeth's castle. Because the army was hiding behind the branches, it looked like the trees were marching from Birnam to Dunsinane. In this manner, the prophecy was fulfilled.
Agitated means feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.
Synonyms: upset, flustered, anxious, stressed
Sentence: The waters became more and more agitated as the storm progressed, making the men fear that their boat would sink.
The use of imagery used in this story shows what the characters are going through and painting an imaginary story in the readers head
The unique characteristics of this form of writing is that it takes the reader on a journey through the various stages of exploration that the writer experiences. For instance, in finding out information on a topic the writer would explain to the reader why he chose one resource over that one and so on.
The answer in this text is simple by looking at what you have read choose the (b. for this inquiry.
Considering Your Task and Your Rhetorical Situation - Analyzing the Writing Task
Understanding what the writing task asks you to do is the first important step in the
writing process. Read through the below passage the first time with the grain, paying
attention to your general understanding of the focus and purpose.