Hi, he sought Utnapishtim, who is sort of an equivalent to Moses, both of them had to build a boat in order to save themselves from the great flood that gods sent them. Utnapishtim was awarded immortality for being loyal to gods, and Gilgamesh is obsessed with the idea of eternal life, thus he seeks Utnapishtim and gods (primarily Enlil) to become immortal as well.
The best statement that describes how the author's purpose differs in Chapter 1 of Nature and Society and Solitude is: Nature is an essay in praise of nature’s sublimity, while Society and Solitude is an essay in praise of being alone.
An essay on the <em>"Roles of Technology in Educating The African Youths"</em>
Education is the acquisition of skills and knowledge. It is the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the learner. Culture, values, norms of the society are taught in education.
Technology is the application of modern gadgets or equipment to carry out an activity.
Technology in education is the use of different learning instruments in the classroom such as computer, laptop, projector, scanner etc.
In Africa, education is mostly done using the traditional instruments like chalk and board but the use of technology has increased the interest of students to learn more. They are fascinated with the equipment and it also makes learning easy.
African students can learn through visuals which improves their cognition. They now have access to more practicals by viewing.
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Optimistic. Hope this helps!