2. DESERT A desert is an area of the earth's surface totally or almost totally uninhabited. A desert can be a sandy or stony terrain that lacks vegetation due to low rainfall. The harsh environmental conditions mean that these deserts have little stable population DELGADO ELERA, REYNER. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DESERTS. Temperatures are generally high, but nights can be cold. Its climate is extreme with temperatures of 50 ° C during the day and –20 ° C at night. It is the ecosystem that presents water scarcity. The ground is covered with sand as a result of the disintegration of rocks. The relief presents plains, dunes and in some places oases. There are counter winds and rains are very scarce. Deserts form the largest area of the earth's surface. BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE DESERT BIOMA BIOTIC FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE DESERT BIOME These are the living beings of an ecosystem that survive. They can refer to the flora, fauna, humans of a place and their interactions. Individuals must have specific behavior and physiological characteristics that allow their survival and reproduction in a defined environment. The condition of sharing an environment engenders a competition between species, given by food, space, etc. Depending on the region: In the desert only some animals manage to survive: camels, lizards, spiders, owls, rats, kangaroo, mice, a variety of snakes, hawks, scorpions, birds, squirrels among others. In the same way, in the fauna, only some plants manage to survive. These protect themselves from other animals with the thorns they have and with their thick layer of skin, some of them are: cactus, palm trees, nopales, bushes, grasslands, weeds in oases, etc.
3. Plants and animals that live in the desert are conditioned to withstand extreme temperatures with minimal water. ABIOTIC FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE DESERT BIOME Abiotic means lifeless. They are the different components that determine the physical space in which living beings inhabit; among the most important we can find water, temperature, light, soil, humidity, air and nutrients. They are the lifeless factors. Deserts are known for their extreme abiotic factors. Varied temperature and scarce fluvial precipitation. Sunlight, climatic factors such as: humidity (very low) and temperature (high during the day, very low at night); rocks, sand or very dry soil, atmospheric gases, very strong barometric pressure. Rocky terrain, wind processes are important factors in the formation of the landscape. They have an average rainfall of 200 to 500 mm per year. MOST REPRESENTATIVE DESERTS OF PERU 1. DESERT OF SECHURA One of the most representative deserts of Peru is that of Sechura, located in the northwest of Peru, just between the Lambayeque and Piura regions having a length of 150 kilometers by a width of 100. It is located 55 km southwest of the city of Piura. It is the widest area of the coastal desert in Peru, it has an area of more than 5000 square km. This desert is an arid plateau formed by materials from the Tertiary, with little vegetation, which includes several intermittent lagoons. The aridity of the climate and the unproductive soils limit the settlement of the population, except in the oases that constitute the mouths of the Piura rivers, to the north, and Lambayeque, to the south; agriculture is possible in these areas. DELGADO ELERA, REYNER