D.Sharecroppers because they were paid by the crops that were being grown
Christians believe that it is part of their duty to act in a moral way. This involves helping others around them. The Church can play a vital role in assisting Christians to help others by providing: food banks – places where people living in poverty can go and collect some food.A person who teaches a Church class. This may include classes for children, youth or adults. These classes are usually taught as part of Sunday worship services with the purpose of strengthening personal faith and increasing knowledge of the scriptures and Church doctrine.There are many ways a teacher can fulfill his responsibilities. For example, he can set a proper example, be a good home teacher, greet the members at church, prepare the sacrament, help at home, and be a peacemaker.
Communism, as a political movement, was spread across Europe by the workers movement during the 19th and early 20th centuries in different revolutionary waves until the one following WWI that sparked the Russian Revolution of 1917 as well as attempted revolutions in Hungary, Germany and other countries in the following years.
Communist regimes aligned with the Soviet Union that lasted until the early 90’s, spread throughout Europe after WWII, when the victorious allies divided Europe between the west (France, UK, Iceland, West Germany) - under mainly American influence - and east (Poland, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, East Germany.) - under Soviet influence. People on the Eastern side of Europe lived in a communist society, while the people on the western side were well taken care of by the US.
The Soviets then proceeded to put the local communist parties in charge of each country, under the tutelage of Moscow. And that’s how the “Eastern Bloc” began.
Writing, math, medicine, libraries, road networks, domesticated animals, spoked wheels, the zodiac, astronomy, looms, plows, the legal system, beer making and counting in 60s
Hope it helps you :))))
Have a good day
All except the establishment of a state religion