(A British ship used to ferry goods called the Lusitania was attacked by a German u-boat or submarine The Lusitania had 1,949 people on board 1,313 died including 128 Americans)- this is important to know.
The U.S president Wilson wanted Neutrality- “the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict,” To that end he sent a leading aide, Colonel House, to Europe in the autumn of 1914 in an attempt to broker a peace deal all Wilson wanted was peace.
We could’ve had peace but for one thing this war was fought on water and not just land Shipping lanes were patrolled and attacked by German U-Boats in an attempt to cut supply lines to Britain Following its policy of neutrality the United States initially attempted to trade with both Britain and its allies as well as with Germany. However, in practice (: the United States was only able to trade with Britain and its allies :) and all the goods sold (the value of which amounted to $1.2 billion by 1916) had to be transported by ship across the Atlantic. (: The German habit of attacking shipping meant that American registered ships were sunk, and United States citizens were killed (128 died when the Lusitania was sunk) :) - See told it was important
Last but not least the Zimmermann Telegram
“By the start of 1917 Germany was looking for additional allies. On 16 January 1917, the German Foreign Minister, Arthur Zimmerman, sent a telegram to Mexico. In return for Mexico starting a war against the United States, Germany promised to pay all associated costs. The inflammatory telegram was intercepted by the British who, in turn, passed it to Washington. The telegram was released to the press on 28 February and published. How genuine Zimmerman’s offer to Mexico was is hard to say, but the telegram had a pronounced effect on turning American public opinion against Germany.”
The answer is large crowd because, the sentence says “as she noticed as she walked toward central high school in little rock, arkansas, was the throng of people waiting for her” throng means large or packed, with a group of people
Over time the Chinese government developed a mechanism known as the “tribute system” to deal with the outside world. Under this system a tribute state accepted its vassal status to the Chinese and was required to exchange envoys and gifts, monitor foreign trade, and handle diplomatic relations.