The strong hand because some jobs need strength <span />
It would be A because shes only 12 and not yet ready for pubic hair or breast growth
B. Land Area Is Divided By Population.
In the U.S., population density is typically expressed as the number of people per square mile of land area. ... The U.S. value is calculated by dividing the total U.S. population (316 million in 2013) by the total U.S. land area (3.5 million square miles).
B, C, D, E, A
1. The Third Punic War (The third Punic war was known as the last of the Punic Wars and occurred between 149-146 BCE)
2. Tiberius Gracchus is assassinated for trying to establish land reform (Tiberius was assassinated in June 133 BCE for trying to help poor farmers to establish land reforms. He was killed in the riot that resulted)
3. Gaius Marius reforms the Army (This reform was known to be implemented in 107 BCE by Gaius Marius)
4. The revolt of Spartacus and his fellow slaves (Spartacus and his fellow slaves revolted in 73-71 BCE and remains the most successful revolt from slaves in Rome's history)
5. Julius Caesar becomes dictator (Caesar was first appointed dictator in 49 BCE, with the aim of presiding over elections. He resigned after 11 days)
any public issue likely has separate groups with their own views
people disagree about which public issues are important
few issues capture all of america's attention