D. she was a capable sovereign and a dedicated mother
when she was 18 she took the throne of England and was involved with the industrial expansion in England.
It effects your levels of confidence which could effect your choices
Most schools take breaks during this period, whilst business in offices slows and schedules are rearranged according to the whims of the season. Around this time, the days are short and nights longer, this usually reverse slowly as the season progresses. The sun comes out very late on winter mornings and when it does is not hot.
People rarely come outdoors until daylight; most sit indoors by the fireside in the mornings and evenings. Everyone sees the essence of the weather report during winter, this service assumes added importance as the information they present can be the difference between having proper protective clothing and freezing to death, knowing if the roads would be navigate-able tomorrow morning, or if the night’s blizzard has called off engagements on their behalf.
Most people wake up to shovel snow out of their paths on winter mornings. On some particularly severe occasions, snow and strong winds has blocked roads and grounded flights, even frozen rivers for days, week and months.
In my opinion, parents should not be prosecuted if they do not turn their children into the police if they are doing it out of love to their child. But if they are doing it for malicious reasons then they should be prosecuted. It all depends on the reasons for not turning in their child.
The character that would be best suited for the innkeeper's assistant position and would be a good fit for the job is the Knight.
- The Knight is greatly admired by the narrator of "The Canterbury Tales", a collection of 24 stories by Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400).
- The Knight is described as being generous, refined, courteous, and loyal. Those traits would make him an excellent assistant for the innkeeper.
- The Knight would be very helpful and extremely loyal to his boss. He would never steal from him.
- He would be polite to the customers of the inn and would help them with whatever it is they might need.
- On the other hand, the other characters are all very flawed and susceptible to being corrupted in some way. Both the Squire and the Wife of Bath are seducers. The Monk only cares about eating and the Friar, about money.
- In conclusion, the Knight is the best option for the position of innkeeper's assistant.
Learn more about "The Canterbury Tales" and the Knight here: