It means that one should never lose hope because nothing is ever completely dark, there is always something good to which we can cling.
2.The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted for ... Meanwhile, the USSR came to resent what they perceived as American ... was “a political force committed fanatically to the belief that with the U.S. there can be ... the country use military force to contain communist expansionism anywhere it ...
1.The Butter Battle Book is an allegory for the nuclear arms race and the state of mutually assured destruction (MAD) that occurred during the Cold War. This story thus lends itself to a discussion with children about the concept of war itself, the moral issues related to war, and the outcomes of retaliatory acts.
That, is the answer i would think
1)“The two geologists had been out on their first mission together to collect rock and soil samples.”This statement implies it is their first time on a mission together, Hence their first interaction.
2) “Bianca and Jordan were new members who had been recruited from different training programs.” This statement implies that they’ve never met before because they’ve been recruited from different training programs.
3) “They chatted about their backgrounds, each learning about where the other had grown up and gone to school.” This implies they had now tried to get to know each other since they haven’t talked before.