Briefly describes what he means in the passage
Rusty James runs into his old friend Steve, whom he hasn't seen in all that time. They are on the beach, far from the original action. Rusty James has been "bumming around," not working since getting out of the reformatory after serving five years, and Steve is on vacation from college, where he's studying to become a high school teacher. Steve invites Rusty James to dinner, an invitation he has no intention of accepting. Steve is too much of a reminder of some bad times.
You can find quotes at for this title. If you can't find them, two quotes are "There’s no such thing as plain text; there are only codes you understand and codes you don’t." -Tom Pollock “Sometimes, courage is just knowing what you're more afraid of.” -Tom Pollock
A fragment is an incomplete sentence.
So do you think this is a complete sentence?
I'm thinking fragment, because this doesn't quite make any sense.
All of a sudden
All of a sudden is a transition that shows suspense. It says something happened, but not with any warning and it doesn't tell the reader up front what went on or if it was good or bad.