Since the Columbian Exchange conveyed sickness to the Americas and executed a large portion of the work power subjected by the Europeans. They began utilizing Africans. Subsequent to there and be much contact in the middle of Europe and African illness wasn't generally an issue. Numerous tribes in Africa sold there comrades into subjection for weapons and different grown-up toys. One of the great things was to leave it was the acquaintance of new money crops in Africa. In view of the Columbian Exchange, Africa and whatever is left of the world has potatoes and corn and in addition numerous different products.
The Columbian Exchange refers to the enormous system of trade that took place between America and Europe after the arrival of Christopher Columbus. This exchanged allowed new goods to be spread all over the world, even arriving to Africa. However, this was not the most important way in which Africa was affected.
The most significant way in which the Columbian Exchange affected Africa was the fact that, due to these new interactions, many Native American people died from diseases they had never been exposed to before. This led to a shortage in labor, which was addressed by the Atlantic slave trade, which led to the kidnapping of thousands of African people.