Its a significant American event because of the rarity of a president being impeached. There have only been 2 impeached in History(3 if you count Richard Nixon but he resigned during Impeachment Trials)
Kryzys przysięgowy[edytuj]
Kryzys przysięgowy – kryzys związany z odmową złożenia przysięgi na wierność Królestwu Polskiemu i dotrzymanie braterstwa broni wojskom Niemiec i Austro-Węgier do końca wojny przez żołnierzy Legionów Polskich (głównie I i III Brygady) 9 i 11 lipca 1917.
This is the result of the Byzantine culture, the orthodox church was established within the byzantine empire, they took upon the greek alphabet and it widely spread through their missionary works, many eastern European countries adopted the orthodox church and one of them happened to be russia
Women desire the right to make their own choices. I got it from the story The Tale of Dame Ragnell by Barbara Tepa Lupack.