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A rising population helped the industrial revolution because it provided a large work force for the factor but it lead to pollution. ... The cotton Gin was aided to the textile industry and was invented Eli Whitney.
Farmers use biotech because it helped them increase yield and lower production costs.
The Supreme Court said Mr. Reynolds could not break the law while practicing his religion.
Reynolds v. the United States was heard by the Supreme Court in 1878 in regard the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act placed on the Utah Territory.
Reynolds argued that preventing him to marry more than one woman was a violation of his First Amendment rights to protection of religion. The Supreme Court concluded that he had the right to his belief but he could not go around the law to practice his faith. The law stated marriage was to be between two people only and therefore he could not be married to more than one woman.
The correct answer to the question is Environmental Protection Agency. The U.S. agency, Environmental Protection Agency, enforces environmental regulations, which helps people to interact with the environment in sustainable ways. Environmental Protection Agency also protects the human health and handles the legality of actions towards environment and health.
King Charles I was forced to sign the petition of rights